Company culture
1.Our slogan · For the people For the life

The industry, products and services Superpower Tec. engaged in are closely related to the people's livelihood. Superpower Tec. cares deeply about society and people’s livelihood, aiming at providing superior products and services to achieve sustainable and healthy development.

2.Development strategy

Integrate enterprise resources and social resources, take the business structure as the main line, promote the adjustment of ownership structure, business structure, organization structure and talent structure, co-ordinate the automobile, new energy vehicle, truck, construction machinery, general machinery, realize the sound and fast development.

3.Our mission ·

Build flagship in equipment industry and lead the development of truck; Give full play to the influence of the state-owned capital in the market segment; Integrate and optimize industry resources, continuously improve the capability of independent innovation; Lead the progress and development of new energy vehicle, and become an influential new energy enterprise.

4.Core values · Achievement Regulation Credibility

Achievement: Always adhere to the scientific development concept, take development as the first priority, establish the concept of judging performance by achievement, and constantly improve the development quality and efficiency to ensure the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets.

Regulation: Always follow the industry development law, state-owned enterprise development law and company development law, to make regulations, to implement regulations, to supervise the implementation of regulations, establishing a good atmosphere of strictly following the rules and regulations.

5.Company Spirit · Collaboration Innovation Excellence

Collaboration: To set up the overall situation consciousness and team consciousness, cooperate with each other and develop together; Externally, we should keep abreast of the development trend of the world. Internally, coordinate with China's environment, and co-exist with our customers.

Innovation: Actively respond to changes, and persist in innovation in thinking, so as to promote the innovation in idea, strategy, organization and market, so as to realize the sustainable development of enterprise.

Excellence: To build a first-class image and develop first-class team; to produce first-class products and provide first-class service, constantly strive to surpass, to be the best and flag in the industry.

6.Aim · Creating benefits for shareholders; Creating value for customers; Creating opportunities for employees; Creating wealth for society

Creating benefits for shareholders: Is the basic requirement. To adhere to the scientific development concept, improve the profitability of enterprises, and pursue the maximization of shareholder benefits and the sustainable development of enterprises.

Creating value for customers: It is the value of Superpower Tec. industry's operation. To pursue the consistency of enterprise value and customer value, provide value-added services for customers, and simultaneously enhance customer value and enterprise value.

Creating opportunities for employees: Is the foundation of the aim. Adhere to the idea of putting people first, respect employees' value, trust staff ability, create platform for staff development, make the employee's personal value realized in the development of enterprises.

Creating wealth for society: It is the ultimate goal of Superpower Tec. heavy industry. Consciously perform economic responsibility and social responsibility, and actively create social wealth, serve the society, contribute to society, and realize the harmonious development of society and enterprises.



#115 Cultural Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China

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